I have a long pending-blogs list…it’s embarrassing. I have sessions from last spring that are sitting on that list and what’s more embarrassing is that I have no rhyme or reason for the order that I’m writing blogs. A spring ’20 session will sit there and stare at me while I hammer out the blog for a session shot just two weeks ago. *Shrug* I guess that’s the beauty of owning your own business…do it how you want with no one coming after you for explanations – but it sure is a little whackadoodle. It’s not that I have anything against the session from last spring…sometimes a blog post will just leap out of my brain and the circumstances of the session from two weeks ago just seem more relevant. Are you on my list?

Another thing that puts one blog ahead of another is the need to show something as a result of that blog. Like – for instance – it’s January and COLD. I have no desire nor need to be outside shooting sessions and I’ve talked about this (just last week, actually). So I look at my list of pending blogs and see a bunch of sitter sessions that I could write about, to show all the parents out there, “hey, I have a warm studio, bring your baby to me and let’s put all that nonsense about shooting outside to rest for a couple more months!” – it’s perfect, delivers the message I’m trying to send, and gets a blog written so these mommas and daddies can see the precious faces of their wee ones on the internets. Win, win, win! Are you on my list?

So that’s what this blog will be about: here’s a cute baby, photographed in my studio, happy as a clam and we’re all toasty warm! No one is mad about staying warm and I get to cross a name off my list! Everyone, please meet baby Alexandra. She had a birth story that was super cool and I’ll give you a few details in her Fresh 48 post as soon as I write it (see what I mean about writing them out of order???)!
Liz Viernes Photography is based near Sandy Spring, Maryland, and specializes in maternity, fresh 48, posed and lifestyle newborns and first year milestone portraits.
Is it me, or are these babies GORGEOUS? And the LIGHT. The precious expressions and tiny details you capture. Sigh. Moments to remember.
😘😘😘 you just said all the right things, thank you.