Maryland Newborn Photography Studio | Burtonsville


January 10, 2020

I admit it. I am totally bummed at how long it’s taking for our home renovation to be completed. We started in mid-September and our contractor told us it would be finished mid-December. Welp, that came and went and here we are on January 9th – as close as we can be to finished – but yet not. I’m figuratively biting my nails and grinding my teeth because I want to fully open my brand new Maryland newborn photography studio…but I can’t. Not completely. Because our basement is full of all the crap stuff that used to have a home before this renovation but now doesn’t. And it’s getting a little embarrassing every time I have to apologize for the gaping drywall holes in the studio bathroom because we can’t close up the holes until the new addition has running water, siiiiiiigh.

That’s not to say that my clients haven’t been amazingly understanding. They all have and I’m grateful. But at some point, I would like to quit apologizing for the mess and start singing the praises of my brand new, beautiful, bright, white Maryland newborn photography studio!!!!

Want a quick peek?? I’ve done two sessions so far with the bed in there…it’s not in it’s final resting place yet (*cough* see the sentence above about the crap stuff) so this won’t be exactly the way I’m envisioning the final studio but it’s a start. I feel like a bull pawing the ground with my impatience about the lack of finality – can you sense it? 😂(I’m not good at keeping my feelings to myself.)

So. This little lamb came to the studio this past week for my wrapped newborn mini session. She was the tiniest peanut (FOUR+ POUNDS) and, for the first part of our session, she was just so curious! She wanted to look around and see ALL the things…which made for some pretty hilariously cute shots right at the beginning.

tiny newborn foot kicks in Maryland newborn photography studio
I like to call this one the Soccer Kick.

After I came to terms with the fact that chica wasn’t going to settle unless her limbs were tied down, I moved on to the second setup and Little Miss finally decided to close her sweet little eyes and give me what I wanted 😍 (but not without staring me down a little bit first).

Preemie newborn peeks at photographer in Maryland newborn photography studio
See what I mean??
Maryland newborn photography studio curious newborn
Cutest stink-eye ever.

Even though this was a mini session, I still like to give mom and dad some variety in the gallery so, after cutie was truly asleep, I switched up her swaddle and plunked her in my white bucket.

Finally, I couldn’t let the session end without a few shots on the bed…I mean, the bed is a huge part of the plot for this Maryland newborn photography studio! Mom and dad brought a blanket that grandma had knitted so I decided to snuggle her in it and see if the bed lived up to the hype I had been creating in my mind. It did. She even gave me a few sweet smiles which further confirmed that I made the right decision hauling this bed in here 🤣

BTW, if you’re interested in what the addition is all about, I have three highlights dedicated to it on my Instagram page – be sure to check them out in order (I, II and III) so you can see the progress from the beginning. We’re so close to being done! SO CLOSE.

Liz Viernes Photography is based near Columbia, Maryland, and specializes in motherhood, fresh 48, posed and lifestyle newborns and first year milestone portraits.

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