I had the pleasure of hosting the sleepiest, squishiest newborn in my studio last week. Matthew was a little bit older than most of the newborns I have photographed – not gonna lie, I was prepared with multiple wrapped setups on the premise that he’d be wide awake and looking to party – but he ended up being a sleepy squishy newborn extraordinaire. I had heart eyes the entire session. He was absolutely delicious.

His mom, Brittany, contacted me with apologies. She has her hands full with a toddler and her full time job as a critical care nurse (thank you for your amazing service!!) so she was “late” to reach out about newborn photos. While I definitely encourage clients to contact me as soon as possible (ideally while still pregnant) about sleepy, squishy newborn photos, sometimes it doesn’t work out that way. And, while I can’t always promise that I’ll be able to accommodate a late request, sometimes I can tweak my schedule to make it work out. In this case, Matthew was my third newborn of the week – a heavy load for this homeschooling momma, for sure – but he was TOTALLY worth it.

Every newborn is different. Some sleep beautifully at eighteen days and others are party animals. Some are wide-awake and starving at seven days despite popular belief that babies that age sleep 22 hours a day. Not every baby is a sleepy, squishy newborn. My job as your newborn photographer is to plan as best I can and roll with whatever punches your baby doles out. Matthew doled out no punches. He, along with his dreamy head of grown-up-man hair was an utter wish come true. He had back rolls from here to tomorrow, his tiny body relaxed into every pose I put him in, he dreamed and snoozed endlessly AND we finished *before* our time so I was able to capture one last set-up for his mom, who really wanted to see her boy in a bonnet. I adore being able to honor specific requests and this sleepy squishy newborn made it effortlessly possible. More babies like Matthew please!!
Liz Viernes Photography is based near Fulton, Maryland, and specializes in maternity, fresh 48, posed and lifestyle newborns and first year milestone portraits.
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